Monday, April 13, 2015

How to use open library

If you want to list the books you can do it by pressing mybooks button in at the top of the page

You will leads to another page.

You can fill out all the details and then you can press submit button so that you are submitted the books you have.

Similar way you can higher the books you want. By pressing open library.

How to use eduladder to ask and answer a question

You can find ask a question tab at top of your eduladder

By pressing that button you will leads to another page. There you can find three buttons if you are pressing show all questions then you will leads to another page which shows all the questions in at eduladder.

Clicking on in a particular link will leads you to another page.
There you can find the question and its explanation with a text area. You can easily type the answer here after typing press submit button.

If you want to ask a question for a specefic subject you can do it by pressing solutions button on that page

WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". In computing, a WYSIWYG editor is a system in which content (text and graphics) onscreen during editing appears in a form closely corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product,which might be a printed document, web page, or slide presentation. 

WYSIWYG implies a user interface that allows the user to view something very similar to the end result while the document is being created. In general, WYSIWYG implies the ability to directly manipulate the layout of a document without having to type or remember names of layout commands.The actual meaning depends on the user's perspective

How to use the power of wysiwig to create contents for eduladder?.

Suppose you saw a page which allows you to download notes from it somewhere on internet. let us take an example page from your eduladder itself.

Example page:


In that page you can see a download link And you want to add this download link to your newly created article then select the download link from that page using your mouse pointer and paste that content to your desired page. as same as you are creating a word document

How to create an articile in eduladdder.

The walkthrough

After signing up you can see a screen like this

Click on open notes you will get another page.

If you want to add a university what all are the credentials you are required showing as red And you can see lists of university. After clicking at the link highlighted you will get another page.

Credentials required to add a note are showed in red

Editing notes

Select a university and click on a notes link which is blue in color.
Click I can edit this button showed as red. You will lead to another page. It is an inbuilt editor of idolater if you click in on that page a toolbar will pop up. (Apart from the actual content if it is showing some code means please reload the page).

You can make changes in the manner which you wanted
After making the changes which you want press update button the note will be saved. Editing 20 notes will make the change of error to a column which is asking you to add subjects.

Type the name of the subject which you want to add and press add subject button so that you can add any subjects. After adding subject the page will get refreshed by clicking on show all notes to me will show you the subject which you have added previously.

Click on that link and follow instructions which we have discussed already.